Cursed Addiction
No it isn't. Its a very dreadful way to start a day. Joining Mountain Dew addict anonymous doesn't seem to be a likely option. My previous attempts have failed. There is a high cost implication too. Together they are setting me back by more than 13K an year. That's more than if I got a Zune upgrade with an Altec Lansing im414 combined and I would still have money to buy a pair of Sennheiser.
I don't like either of them, not anymore atleast. It's rather the (bad) habit that drives me. I hope that I get around it and I hope that you hope so too.
Sent using Wi-Fi enabled handheld.
Yeh achhi baat nahi hai!
"Zune upgrade with an Altec Lansing im414.... Sennheiser."
All went above my head :-O
Łóòň Ġãĺ, at April 12, 2009 5:25 AM
I know that feelin' too. It's just that I don't admit it when I it happens to me ;-)
Prax, at April 12, 2009 1:05 PM
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