The return of Bloodhounds
News headline Feb 03, 2012. Today IIT, Bangalore was opened, continuin' the presitigious IIT tradition, with a whoppin' 7.5% seats for General category.
Politics doesn' interest me one bit, and I'd not have bothered writin' this down, had it not affected my chances of gettin' seats in a good college.
Rhetorically, reservations for the high class people were frowned upon by everyone. Just changin' the ground rules by makin' it against the general citizens and givin' it a fancy tag, that its for the upliftment of the backward classes, is discrimination none the less and should be scrapped away, once and for all.
One who gets a seat by the aid of their denomination of birth at any of the elite institutions, isn't worthy of it. Previously I used to look upon a SC/ST student with sympathy. No more, now I see them the people who are snatchin' bread (and butter) of normal people like me.
How tough is it to understand that every part of society is important and neccessary, that people with poor socio-economic background play role as important as the forward ones, and that they cannot be done without.
Government should keep in mind, that their role in education is that of a watchdog, directin' the right way, and not the bloodhounds, because then there will be blood, lot of blood.
Politics doesn' interest me one bit, and I'd not have bothered writin' this down, had it not affected my chances of gettin' seats in a good college.
Rhetorically, reservations for the high class people were frowned upon by everyone. Just changin' the ground rules by makin' it against the general citizens and givin' it a fancy tag, that its for the upliftment of the backward classes, is discrimination none the less and should be scrapped away, once and for all.
One who gets a seat by the aid of their denomination of birth at any of the elite institutions, isn't worthy of it. Previously I used to look upon a SC/ST student with sympathy. No more, now I see them the people who are snatchin' bread (and butter) of normal people like me.
How tough is it to understand that every part of society is important and neccessary, that people with poor socio-economic background play role as important as the forward ones, and that they cannot be done without.
Government should keep in mind, that their role in education is that of a watchdog, directin' the right way, and not the bloodhounds, because then there will be blood, lot of blood.
True...I agree
Axiomate, at June 09, 2006 3:21 PM
hey this post is thought provoking!
i wonder if anyone like me, still studying, has a say in such an issue; yet i feel htere could rather be concession on fees for economically backwartds than the stupid classification which exists now!
chuck it! lord save theee!!!
Anonymous, at June 09, 2006 8:57 PM
very well written. The are roles for everyone, the teacher should be the guide and the adminstrators should be responsible in opening the doors.
gP, at June 13, 2006 7:50 AM
In the first place, we have to think why the hell should these suckers be given reservation?? do they need it?? are they really under privileged? and then what about those who do not fall in the bracket of ST/SC/OBC but actually they are under privileged...are economically weak???
hey what is being sought after getting this reservation quota???????
beyond me!
Neha, at June 14, 2006 3:20 PM
Everyone, seems like we all are in the same boat....and it looks like its gonna sink, Yikes!
Prax, at August 09, 2006 12:24 PM
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