Universal language
Have you?
No, think again, have you?
No, really try thinkin' for once, have you?
I dunno if this theory already exists, but welcome to the Cosmic language theory.
Based on the fact that there is exchange of data between two humans without use of your vocal cords. That what you communicate consciously has already been communicated unconsciously and you will not consciously realize it. That the prime functional organ is not your buccal cavity or your ears but your eyes. That you are connected to the person your eyes meet.
I dunno why, but just tryin' to read this language, the very effort of tryin', makes a lot of difference. Ask yourself, haven't you wanted sometimes, that someone should just read your brain for words do no justice to the intangible reality? Or someone just did that? how was that?
Roughly an week ago, i was standin' on roadside, just then a very old woman caught my hand, she looked at me. I waited for her to say somethin'. She didn't. Roughly ten secs, I waited and yet nothin' (its very funny you see, its not all that comfy I assure you) Probably she was disabled. But for some reasons, I understood, she wanted me to help her cross the road.
I helped her cross it, and came back to where I was. I asked how stupid could I get, what if she didn't really wanned to and yet, I made her cross the road? This is very funny, I told myself, and yet, inside was certain that even I'd laugh out even on Messiah if he said that I was wrong.
The only thing I wonder is why is there an uncomfortable feelin' that I'm not part of it, but merely an outlander lookin' at it. That things are goin' to happen, as if I have already seen this movie half a dozen times. That you know the end, and worse, you don't like it.
Sometimes, there are things we just know, we just know its there, no reasonin' at all can make complete justice, its written somewhere in this universe, you just read it.
Muktub, its written, just read it. The eclat of the sacrosanstity will make you stop believin' in coincidences.
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